Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Chemical Controls for Mosquitoes
防蚊指南 (PDF)
当消灭蚊子孳生地不切实际时,使用杀蚊幼虫剂可能是有益的. 一种杀幼虫剂在未成熟的蚊子发育成会咬人的成年蚊子之前就将其控制住.
We recommend larvicides containing either of the following:
- 苏云金芽孢杆菌,可以在蚊子的水坑和颗粒中找到.
- Methoprene, which can be found in granular form for water treatment.
To reduce levels of biting mosquitoes, insecticides can be applied grass, 灌木 , 低垂的树枝和阴影区域(甲板下和基础沿线). Aerosols and hand-held pump sprayers are convenient for these applications. Always read and follow label instructions before using any pesticide, or contract with a professional.
We recommend pesticides containing any of the following:
- 7.9联苯, Indoor/ Outdoor Insect Concentrate
- Cyfluthrin, which can be found in Bayer Advanced PowerForce Mosqui-to Killer
- Lambda-cyhalothrin, which can be found in Spectracide Triazicide
- 氯菊酯,可在Ortho Mosquito B Gone、Spectracide Mosquito Stop和Gordon 's 10氯菊酯中找到.
这些产品中的每一种都可以通过连接到花园软管喷雾器或通过手持式花园泵喷雾器分配到即用浓缩物中. All are available at hardware and home-improvement stores.
- Stay indoors during morning and evening hours.
- Avoid shorts and short-sleeved shirts.
- Use repellants containing DEET (diethyl toluamide), and apply the repellant to both skin and clothing.
- Bug微波灭虫器
- Traps that rely on carbon monoxide, warmth, light or odors
- Portable electronic devices that use ultrasonic sound
- 香薰蜡烛或熏香
你家的狗很容易被蚊子叮咬感染心丝虫. A preventive drug treatment is available through your veterinarian.
Thankfully essential water is flowing in our desert community. Large area irrigation reaches a peak with the scheduled water releases. 唐娜安娜病媒控制赞赏我们地区的农民在管理水作为地面浸泡的努力. This prevents standing open water which breeds mosquitoes. Our farmers do a serious work to keep drains, 沟渠, 而且涵洞里没有杂草和垃圾,这样水就可以流向排水口,并正确排干.
Our monsoon rains are due to arrive soon. 因此,作为“邻居帮助邻居”,我们通过排干后院收集的容器来控制蚊子. Watch for those flower pots with deep saucers, trash barrels without drainage holes, and the old tires piled behind the shed. 现在是时候把车拖到中转站,利用他们的低处理费了.
病媒控制 is happy for every child with a small wading pool, please keep the water fresh and tended. Livestock need substantial water troughs to get the needed drinking water. 考虑使用灭蚊产品,如在大水罐中浸泡. 安全有效的灭蚊产品在各大五金店都有售. 大型未使用的游泳池很容易使用防蚊液来防止蚊子. 聪明的沙漠人将雨水储存在水箱中以备后用,确保它们被蚊子屏蔽或处理以防止孵化.
沙漠蚊子喜欢深草和杂草,以提供阴凉和水分. 保持房屋附近的草和灌木修剪整齐,以免成蚊在那里休息. To reduce levels of biting mosquitoes and gnats, insecticides can be applied to shade areas of the yard and barns as needed. Always read and follow label directions before using any pesticide. 如果您需要更多关于畜棚处理的信息,请咨询县农业推广工作人员.
蚊子会被门上的灯光和湿气吸引,所以它们一进来你就得拍它们. 当你在清晨或傍晚外出时,请考虑使用有效的驱蚊剂,以减少蚊子的数量! Carefully read and follow manufacturer’s directions for use.
多纳安娜县领导, our Managers and 委员, embraced education as way to combat West Nile Virus. 我要感谢县里每一个为蚊子科学教育涂色书的开发做出贡献的人. 成千上万的孩子已经了解了作为野外生物学应用的蚊子控制. The staff at schools has been wonderful to work with. 对我们的科学方法非常满意,所以学校要求我们进行复习, Mosquito Control as math homework. A special thanks to all those children who did their math projects. Should you check with our mosquito control educated children, 它们可以鼓励在有鲦鱼的池水中自然控制蚊子. 深水雨水池和后院的喷泉可以储存鲦鱼,以防止蚊子摆动. 多纳安娜县在西皮卡乔大道4605号向市民免费提供鲦鱼. Vector工作人员周二上午8点至10点在现场提供旅行袋中的小鱼. Please bring your bucket to prevent any leaks in transport.